Tech Advantages and the Digital Divide?


My personal experiences using technology in my Personal Learning Network (PLN) varies. This is because I can learn so much with it! I used Instagram quite a lot before I stopped using social media that prominently, and during that time I used it a lot for my daily activities. From promoting businesses to sharing daily life ventures, I was able to use it as inspiration for creativity and growth. However, it served as a PLN by also showing me that it has a negative side and that such social media is not always the best environment to actively be in. However, it may be beneficial in my career by showing me the DEFINITE do’s and don’t’s as a professional and as a striving-to-stay holy individual.

In my EME 2040 class we touched base on the, “Digital Divide.” This speaks to the disparities between people because of internet activity. These disparities may be created by ease of access vs. lack of availability to internet and its many advantages. The digital divide can especially affect students success in schools by being a hindrance to their progress and ability to keep up seeing that almost everything is digital nowadays. The digital divide can be caused by many factors. Some factors include not being able to afford the necessary technology, not having as high speed internet as another and different location and their respective laws. Although I am not a classroom teacher, I can assume that this probably won’t be a major an issue in the future seeing that schools make it their business to provide these resources and that it is almost 100% necessary to implement technology use in our everyday lives.

Moving on to software for students! So far in EME 2040 I’ve been introduced to a couple different classroom applications and softwares. From what I’ve used, I mostly prefer just sticking to Microsoft applications, Canva and maybe here and there do fun writing activities on Blogger! Though, Lord willing, I would definitely implement Canva and Blogger in the classroom because of the creative freedom they grant. Canva has so many templates and ideas to create and design expressive media that can be used for projects and fun activities. This will allow kids to have a break from using strictly words but also using images and patterns to express their ideas! For Blogger, Lord willing I would allow them to get a feel of professionalism and writing a fancy blog because I too wondered how it felt to write a blog haha! This would also allow the students to familiarize themselves with different styles of expressive writing whether it be a mix of formal and informal, or just plain personal writing. 


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