

Welcome to my place! This place belongs to a first-year student at Florida State University currently intending to follow a pre-medical track who, interesting enough, is also currently focusing on pursuing a combined bachelor’s/master’s degree in Special Education Teaching and Curriculum and Instruction. One thing I take boldness and joy in is that I am 18 years of age with a rooted and grounded mind to please and serve the Lord Jesus Christ with my whole, heart, mind, soul, and life.

For the past few years, education has really implemented and integrated technology as a vital part of its curriculum. As a result, I have been able to gradually switch from mainly pen and paper to various digital platforms and applications used for classroom tasks and activities. These platforms and applications that I have interacted with over the years range from the Microsoft group, Google applications, Canvas, Pinnacle, TopHat etc. Presently, I have found myself expanding my knowledge even more on these different modes of educational technology through enrolling in a course called EME 2040 Introduction to Educational Technology!

Throughout these years, educational technology been a great personal learning network, but it is not the only one. Various individuals, communities, and activities have played a role in being a part of an effective personal learning network for me. One of these include the lessons I get from the Truth of God. This true and only church of the Lord Jesus Christ continuously provides examples and teachings in holiness of how I should conduct myself and operate in this life. Two other examples of good resources I use as a part of my personal network are YouTube and Google. These two platforms have been exceptional in providing life and educational tutorials as well as skillful advice. Ranging from math lessons and tutorials to comforting videos to information for school assignments and papers, YouTube and Google have been great and consistent parts of my personal learning network.


  1. Hey Jamal! I really enjoyed getting to know you in this blog post! I think your aspirations are really cool and, as a senior, I hope you enjoy your time at Florida State just as much as I have! Before reading your post, I had no idea what Pinnacle or TopHat were, so thank you for teaching me something new! It sounds like you have a solid and diversified PLN, which is always a plus. Thank you for sharing!


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