Diigo vs. Blogging?


Let's do a brief take of a blog today.

Firstly, let's discuss this student annotating app called Diigo. I am not a huge reader when it comes to book discussions and clubs etc. Therefore, Diigo is new to me. My initial experience with Diigo was confusing and felt unnecessary. However, after using it more for portfolio item checks in my EME 2040 class, I realized its purpose. I still am not interested in Diigo...at all. It seems very plain and is confusing to navigate especially because I don't have any experience nor am I interested in using the app. It might be a valuable skill to have though because a day could come where I'll need to use applications like that. However, I really hope not.

Secondly, let's discuss blogging. Blogging has been a little interesting to do so far. The most exciting part is learning how to build and navigate the website as well as developing that aesthetic. I like the blogging process. However, I am not a huge fan of sharing too much online or talking about too much unnecessary stuff online. Ironically, I do love to read blogs about stuff I wonder about. Haha blogs are good to have around when you need to find out things such as cooking recipes and which restaurant has the best chicken tender combos! So far, I've learned that blogging can be an art by itself depending on how in tune and interested the blogger is about the material being posted.

Lastly, let me talk about a Web 2.0 tool that I might use if I teach. Kahoot! Kahoot is such a fun and interactive way to teach and learn! Not to mention how much it keeps students interested with such a competitive feel. I personally love Kahoots especially after a hard topic or a kind of boring class. It always lightens the mood a bit when the teachers pop out  Kahoot. This is a way in which students and teachers can briefly review the material learnt with a reward system. It allows students to think critically and quickly as they intellectually fight for the podium. It also offers a game for basically any subject seeing that you can create your own as well. So, Lord willing, if I teach and if it is still a functioning tool by then, I most definitely will consider using Kahoot.


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