Standards and Resources in Ed. Technology!


Welcome again to the place where we speak the language of classroom topics. Today, we'll speak on the standards for ELA technology. In Grade 1, I see that the standards mainly focus on building familiarity with creative resources and digital tools to develop minds for creative writing and reading. They take an approach of utilizing a lot of graphically creative resources and digital tools to enhance their ability for virtual reading. They introduce a lot of platforms to these children at a very early age. Some of these include applications for creating storybooks and becoming young publishers which is a phenomenal achievement for any individual at that young age. However, I would not be prepared to implement these applications and standards based on my own technological experience. I for one do not like breaking children into early habits of loving technology, but to allow them to get the feel in their own time to experience these platforms when their minds are ready to take in so many stimulating activities and applications.

Using CPALMS can be a valuable platform for those who understand how to use its resources. I decided to take a look at the Grade 1 Lesson Plans for the subject of Health and Development. These resources serve as references to use and recycle in our own lessons. They serve as insight to successful methods used by other teachers and provides applicable knowledge on how to proceed with my own teaching.

Internet searching is the valuable skill of being able to utilize the world wide web as a tool of knowledge and development. When it comes to the ability to effectively search the internet for the resources you need as a teacher, it is critical. This skill serves as a "come-in-handy," tool should any last minute material be needed, or if there is any confusion presented in any concepts taught in class. Of the internet skills I know, the one that I am sure I will be using most is searching things for everyday life skills. Some examples include searching how far a specific destination might be from me, or information about the food I choose to eat.


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