Websites & Artificial Intelligence

Greetings, everyone!

   A few classes ago we were assigned with the pleasure of creating a web design for our intended classes. It was an enjoyable experience. I tried to use design principles to ensure the website itself was attractive and appealing to the intended age range. I used principles such a variety, repetition, contrast and white space. These all together worked to form the intended aesthetic. The contrast helped to ensure that the titles and information were visible and not in clash with the background, and variety helped to keep the viewers engaged! Reflecting on this assignment, I truly liked the opportunity to design and build the website. It allowed me to get an understanding of how if feels to compose something technological for the benefit of the classroom. You can take a visit to my website right here: The Creative Classroom

   When it comes to AI tools, I am not a fan. I think it endorses a further habit of laziness rather than being more productive. I do not implement it in my daily routine. However, if Google is considered AI, the never mind I do use it….a lot. Haha. Never goes, I am not really motivated to use AI tools because  we forms of technology does not always mean better holistically. Even though AI may help, I prefer technology to stay on the human agency side. I don’t have much questions concerning AI because I for one am not interested to use it as much as everyone desires to but if there is a need for me to utilize it, I don’t mind trying it.

     Using ChatGPT in class was a very skeptical experience for me. Seeing that I am already not a big fan of Artificial Intelligence, it did not bring much pleasure or excitement to use it. Honestly I was reluctant to use it, was and am not still a fan of using my personal information to sign up to a lot of these new AI applications. Practicing to use it was weird. However, I have heard that it is useful for specific purposes, so maybe the search that I was using it for was not really a help to me. My perception on AI is the same since I have started the class and may have even pushed me a bit further away from it because now I have seen it in real time and how weird it is. I believe the main challenge and/or problem with AI chatbots and tools is that it is limited and it is not human. I truly am not a fan of trying to substitute human interaction and communication for talking with a robot that is programmed to give the same responses over and over again.

However, AI tools can be used to enhance productivity. With the fast and convenient responses it gives, it allows for a lot more to get done witting a specific time span. I might not use AI tools to enhance productivity. I believe it is better to have the things I am passionate about done well, especially when AI may come with many errors. I must say though, when it comes down to dealing with a large number of children in the classroom I most likely might have to use AI tools to help with tasks such as lesson planning, which afterwards I would review and tailor to my students, Lord willing.


  1. Hey I really like the consistency of your website design? However, I will say that on some pages the text doesn't really stand out compared to the background. That aside, the color palette on the rest of the website is really nice!

  2. Hi I think your website is really cool, the highlighted feature as you go over the words makes the information accessible to the eye Good touch. I agree with the comment above that some of your headings do not stand out well against the background you chose.


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