My EME2040 Experience


I'm back with another blog! I took a week off to attend a holy convocation in Philadelphia for the church, but now I'm back and ready to write! Today I will write about my experience so far in the educational technology course here at Florida State University, EME 2040.

My experience in EME 2040 has been interesting. I have been introduced to a lot of applications and forums used in educational technology. Some of which I find intriguing and some of which I would avoid...[Diigo]. I enjoyed the assignments that allowed me to learn the behind the scenes processes of how to create many of the applications we see and use on the media almost every day like creating a classroom website. I also enjoyed taking a field trip to the technology sandbox where we learned about coding, 3D printing and played with virtual reality. However there are some assignments that I did find to be a bit tedious like the afore mentioned Diigo. So far, this course has given me a lot of ideas to implement in my classroom to both edify the students and enhance the classroom experience for us all. I will most definitely try to create a website to keep both parents and students on tab with necessary updates needed for the students to make it a fun and interactive way for us to communicate and grow within the classroom.

Open educational resources are materials and instructional assets created specially for free and universal use within education. For example, the website OER Commons serves as a digital library of tools resources and educational supplies for various subjects and multiple areas of learning. In this website it offers the opportunity for teachers and students to take advantage of materials they can use to continue building on their foundation of professional learning. The OER Commons is a open ended source for many areas of professional development, having lessons ranging from preschool English Language Arts to graduate level Law.

In EME 2040, I did an assignment where I had to create a PowerPoint for informational dissemination and teach as if I was present to a class. This assignment put me in the position to visualize how much progress I can make in learning when I am not physically present with children. This assignment also challenged me to learn ways in which I can present information in an entertaining and interesting manner while at the same time ensuring that students are still learning as much as they can. The assignment was a overall enjoyable experience for me as well because I was able o present information on topics that I am personally interested in.


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